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Say "Bye-Bye" to cold sores with essential oils to quickly put a smile back on your face!

17 February 2024 by
Say "Bye-Bye" to cold sores with essential oils to quickly put a smile back on your face!
L'Atelier MARCATI, L'Atelier MARCATI
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Cold sores are small, often sharp sores, although temporary, they can be unpleasant, painful and unsightly. 

In this article, you will discover how to effectively combat cold sores using essential oils with analgesic, analgesic and anesthetic properties. Their anti-inflammatory and healing properties will help fight these infections in order to put a smile back on your face!

What is a cold sore? 

Herpes labialis (HSV1) is the scientific name for a cold sore which is characterized by a rash of blisters that appears on the lips. A cold sore looks like a relatively painful bouquet accompanied by a burning sensation. At first, it appears as a small tingling sensation, slightly red, after the rash, a liquid flows, then the small wound dries and a crust appears.

This is a common condition caused by a virus. Even if this virus is not dangerous in itself, as soon as you catch it, it is difficult to get rid of it because it returns frequently depending on certain circumstances: fatigue, sun, infection, the menstrual cycle, emotions... .

In addition, it is contagious, it is transmitted by direct contact: saliva, kisses, etc.

Generally, contamination takes place during childhood, the virus is present in the body without showing signs of the disease, it remains inactive. However, in some affected people, they will present more than one episode per year.

Although cold sores do not present any danger in most people, in some people the symptoms can be different: fever, sore throat, painful and swollen gums, muscle pain, etc.

In still others, complications can manifest themselves by touching the wound and spreading the infection elsewhere (to the eyes for example).

It is therefore imperative to wash your hands well and avoid touching the wound in order to limit the risk of secondary infections.

What essential oils to use ?

Arbre à thé -  Melaleuca

Tea Tree essential oil is known for its broad spectrum properties: bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and parasitic. It also has immunostimulating, radioprotective, decongestant and neurotonic properties.


Beware of people with asthma

Biochemical composition:

  • Monoterpenes: Alpha and Beta Pinene, Alpha and Delta Cadinene, Alpha and Gamma Terpinene (8 and 17%), Limonene, Myrcene, Para Cymene (17%), Terpinolene
  • Monoterpenols (45 to 50%): Alpha Terpineol, Cis and Trans Thujanol 4, P Cymenol 8, Terpinene 1 ol 4 (25 to 45%)
  • Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (5 to 9%)
  • Sesquiterpenes: Aromadendrene, Beta Caryophyllene, Viridifloral

Noble Laurel - Laurus nobilis

Noble Laurel essential oil is composed of 1,8-cineole molecules which are useful as respiratory, skin and oral anti-infectives. It offers analgesic, calming, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. It is very effective for skin problems, particularly purulent and painful (acne, boils, dental abscess, mycosis, etc.).

Contraindications: Prohibited for pregnant women and babies

Biochemical composition:

  • Esters: Linalyl Acetate, Bonyl Acetate, Geranyl Acetate, Terpinyl Acetate
  • Lactones (3%)
  • Monoterpenes: Alpha and Beta Pinene, Sabinene
  • Monoterpenols: Alpha Terpineol, Borneol, Cis Thujanol 4, Geraniol, Linalool (8 to 16%), Terpineol 4 ol
  • Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (35 to 45%)
  • Phenols: Eugenol
  • Phenol Methyl Ethers: Eugenol Methyl Ether
  • Sesquiterpenes: Alpha Humulene, Beta Caryophyllene, Beta Elemene

Niaouli - Malaleuca quinquenervia  

Niaouli essential oil is a powerful anti-infectious, anti-bacterial agent, particularly against Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus. Antifungal and antiviral, it is interesting for dermatological problems. It also has radioprotective properties and remains an excellent venous tonic.

Contraindications: Abortifacient, neurotoxic, caution for pregnant women and babies, use drip

Composition biochimique :

  • Aldehydes
  • Sulfur compounds
  • Monoterpenes (17%): Alpha and Beta Pinene (17%), Alpha Phellandrene, Alpha and Gamma Terpinene, Limonene (4 to 8%)
  • Monoterpenols: Alpha Terpineol (9 to 14%), Linalool, Terpinene 1 ol 4
  • Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (38 to 58%)
  • Sesquiterpenes: Aromadendrene, Beta Caryophyllene, Delta Carene
  • Sesquiterpenols: Globulol, Nerolidol, Viridiflorol (6 to 15%)

Fine Lavender - Lavandula angustifolia

Fine Lavender essential oil is known for its properties: soothing, calming, sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, healing, anti-infectious, astringent. It is highly appreciated for its virtues in cases of burns, wounds or skin problems.

Composition biochimique :

  • Aldehydes
  • Ketones
  • Coumarins
  • Esters: Linalyl Acetate (42 to 52%)
  • Lactones (3%)
  • Monoterpenes: Ocimene
  • Monoterpenols: Lavandulol, Linalool (32 to 42%), Terpinene 4 ol
  • Oxides: 1.8 Cineole
  • Sesquiterenes: Beta Caryophyllene, Beta Farnesene

Ravintsara - Cinnamomum camphora with cineole 

Ravintsara essential oil also has broad-spectrum properties: respiratory and cutaneous anti-infectious, decongestant, immunostimulant, skin tonic, healing, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, nervous rebalancing. Essential for overcoming bacterial, viral and fungal infections, while strengthening the immune system.

Contraindications: Prohibited for pregnant women and babies up to 3 years old. Be careful of people with asthma or epilepsy.

Biochemical composition:

  • Esters: Terpenyl acetate
  • Monoterpenes (27.50%), Alpha and Beta Pinene (high%), P Cymene, Sabinene (14.40%)
  • Monoterpenols (13%): Alpha Terpineol (8.65%)
  • Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (55.70% Majority)
  • Phenols (Traces)
  • Phenol Methy-Ethers (Traces)
  • Sesquiterpenes (3.80%): Beta Caryophyllene

How to do ?

At the first signs: tingling, itching, burning, quickly apply Tea Tree essential oil to the pimple, a pure drop on the finger or on a cotton swab (for sensitive skin, dilute in an oil plant).

Tea Tree, Niaouli or Ravintsara essential oils are used in the same way. 





However, you can also create your little synergy in a bottle:

  • 25 drops HE Niaouli
  • 25 gouttes HE Arbre à Thé
  • 25 drops Lanvade Fine
  • 4 ml HV (calendula oily macerate)


  • 25 drops HE Ravintsara
  • 25 gouttes d'arbre à thé
  • 50 Fine Lavender
  • 4 ml HV (macérât huileux de Calendula)


  • 25 drops HE Laurier Noble
  • 25 gouttes d'arbre à thé
  • 50 Fine Lavender
  • 4 ml HV (macérât huileux de Calendula)

In case of exposure to the sun, provide protection on the lips. 

In order to avoid too frequent recurrences of cold sores, it is wise to regularly strengthen your immune system. Note that the human body has an excellent memory after several episodes treated with essential oils which also have the virtue of strengthening natural defenses. This will have the consequence of avoiding reactivation of the virus and therefore Bye-Bye cold sores!

* Do not hesitate to read the precautions for essential oils on this site in order to use them safely:

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A bientôt pour une nouvelle lecture,


A.GEA. (2022), "Physiology and essential oils, How do essential oils act on the different systems of the body?", Ed. Dunod

Lily BAYER et Dr Hervé STAUB, (2013) "Traité approfondi de Phyto et Aromathérapie", Ed. Grancher.

M. FAUCON (2019), "Treatise on scientific and medical aromatherapy - essential oils", Ed Sang de la Terre

* The information written in this article by Atelier MARCATI comes from references from scientific literature. They are transmitted and shared for indicative and informative purposes. They therefore do not claim to replace medical advice, a diagnosis or any treatment.

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