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Essential oils every day: The 7 essential oils essential for your family aroma library

What to do with essential oils?
8 February 2024 by
Essential oils every day: The 7 essential oils essential for your family aroma library
L'Atelier MARCATI, L'Atelier MARCATI
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"What the eyes see is not a remedy; when the distillation has transformed the plant, then the remedy will become manifest." Paracelsus

Holistic approach

Essential oils are known for their virtues, properties and benefits whose uses are quite broad, being able to intervene on several spectrums of activity. For use alone or combined together, they act in holistic ways. That is to say that aromatherapy considers the human being as a Unity of body, Mind and Soul, each of these three elements interact with each other in close correlation. Subtle relationships thus unite the microcosm, man and the macrocosm. “Everything is in everything” according to the philosopher Anaxagoras, nature is made up of an infinite number of similar elements, the composition of which is at the origin of everything. “Nothing is born or perishes, but things already existing combine and then separate again.” According to him, "the stars are not gods but molten masses", a theory for which as an atheist he was condemned to death.

Aromatherapy is therefore a holistic approach that considers the person as a whole. Indeed, it appears that certain physical symptoms are most often a message from the body following mental and/or psychological discomfort. Well-known expressions generally underline this link: "It stuck in my stomach" (having pain in the digestive sphere) or "I'm full of back pain" - back pain (low back, sciatica,... ),...

Essential oils are useful to address a physical, physical and emotional problem with the aim of restoring balance and overall well-being.

Use for everyday ailments

Essential oils can be useful to treat various everyday ailments:

- Headache


- Relax the muscles

- Relieve cough

- Disinfect a wound

- Soothe anxiety or anxiety

- Promote sleep or insomnia

- ...

1) Radiated eucalyptus - Eucalyptus radiata

This tree native to Australia has a gray-blue trunk, somewhat deciduous bark and olive green leaves. It belongs to the botanical family Myrtaceae. 

The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation, the distilled part of which is the leaf.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Aldehydes (8%), Citronnellal, Geranial, Myrtenal, Neral, Esters: Terpinyl Acetate, Monoterpenols (20%), Alpha Terpineol (14%), Borneol, Geraniol, Linalool, and Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (62 to 74%)                      

Its properties in traditional physical therapeutics relate to the respiratory sphere but not only:

- Acne*
 - Air antiseptic*
 - Bactericidal*
 - Bronchitis*
 - Conjunctivitis, Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris (NEVER HE IN THE EYES, prefer Hydrolat)
 - Expectorant*, Flu*, Nasopharyngitis*, Cough*
 - Childhood otitis, ENT problem (application around the ear)
 - Fatigue*
 - Virucidal*

On an emotional level, Radiated Eucalyptus helps to gather energy and channel it. It allows you to concentrate on your projects in order to carry them out successfully. It also brings clarity of mind and a certain lucidity.


2) Peppermint – Mentha x piperita

It is a perennial plant that can be found in several countries, however more generally in France around the Mediterranean belonging to the botanical family Lamiaceae.

The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation, the distilled part of which is the flowering top.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Ketones: Menthone (20 to 30% and up to 65%): Piperitone, Pulegone, Sulfur Compounds, Coumarins, Esters: Menthyl Acetate, Monoterpenes: Alpha and Beta Pinene, Limonene, Monoterpenols: Menthol (38 to 48%), Piperitol, Oxides: 1.8 Cineole and Sesquiterpenes: Beta Caryophyllene                      

Its properties in traditional physical therapeutics are:

- Aerophagia*, Hepatopancreatic stimulant*, indigestion*, nausea*
 - Anesthetic*, local anesthetic*
 - Asthenia*, Fatigue*, general stimulant*
 - Headache*, Migraine*
 - Dyspepsia*
 - Eczema*, Urticaria*, Shingles*
 - Viral hepatitis* - Neuralgia*
 - Viral neuritis (optic nerve and others)*
 - Sciatica*
 - Virucidal*
 - Vasoconstrictor*

On an emotional level, it brings a breath of fresh air, a little sparkle. It helps boost your energy in order to overcome fatigue. It helps clarify your thoughts.

Photo source:

4) Ravintsara – Cinnamomum camphora

Ravintsara comes from a tree in the camphor family of Madagascar whose botanical family comes from Lauraceae. It is considered the “magic” leaf by the Malagasy people for its many virtues. Particular attention will be paid to this essential oil in particular because certain plants have the ability to vary their properties (the chemotype) depending on the place where they grow.

Therefore, in order to be certain of purchasing the essential oil with the desired properties, it is essential to refer to its chemotype, that is to say its identity card. In a quality chemotype (also a sign of the quality of the manufacturer) we find the botanical name in Latin, the distilled part of the plant (bark, leaves, flowering top, etc.), the place of origin and its biochemical composition . 

Ravintsara essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of its leaves.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Esters: Terpenyl Acetate, Monoterpenes (27.50%), Alpha and Beta Pinene (high%), P Cymene, Sabinene (14.40%), Monoterpenols (13% ): Alpha Terpineol (8.65%), Oxides: 1.8 Cineole (55.70% in Majority), Phenols (Traces), Phenol Methy-Ethers (Traces) and Sesquiterpenes (3.80% ): Beta Caryophyllene

Its properties in 

in traditional physical therapies are:
 - Antiseptic*, Bactericidal*, Virucidal**
 - Bronchitis*, Whooping Cough*, Flu**, Expectorant*, Nasopharyngitis*, Sinusitis*
 - Viral enteritis*
 - Fatigue*, Mononucleosis**, Insomnia**
 - Viral hepatitis*
 - Herpes* and Genital Herpes*, Shingles**
+ Ophthalmological Shingles** 

(Be careful NEVER IN THE EYES)


3) Lemon - Citrus limon

This tree is native to India although it is widespread in different countries around the world. Regarding lemon essence (essential oil), Italy is the country which offers an indisputable quality of this precious substance, obtained by cold expression of its zest (this is why the exact name of citrus fruits is essences and not essential oils). Belonging to the botanical family Rutaceae.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Aldehydes, Coumarins: Fucaumarins, Monoterpenes: Beta Pinene, Gamma Terpinene, Limonene (54% to 72%, maximum possible 80%), Monoterpenols, and Sesquiterpenes: Beta Bisabolene                       

Its properties in traditional physical therapeutics are:

- Anti-inflammatory (for inflamed wound)*
 - Antiseptic*, Airborne antiseptic*
- in case of epidemics**
 - Bactericidal (spore-forming bacteria, streptococci)**
 - Renal colic*
 - Lithiasis*
 - Nausea*
 - Digestive* and hepatic stimulant**

On an emotional level, it brings dynamism, sparkle, positive vibes and joy of life. Ideal for combating depression (especially winter). She helps with nightmares.

Photo source:

6) Fine lavender - Lavendula angustifolia

“Blue gold” renowned and of interesting quality in France, particularly in Provence. However, it is also found in other regions or countries. It is part of the botanical family Lamiaceae.

Fine Lavender essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering top of the plant.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Aldehydes, Ketones, Coumarins, Esters: Linalyl Acetate (42 to 52%), Lactones, Monoterpenes: Ocimene, Monoterpenols: Lavandulol, Linalool (32 to 42 %), Terpinene 4 ol, Oxides: 1.8 Cineole and Sesquiterenes: Beta Caryophyllene, Beta Farnesene
Ses propriétés en thérapeutiques physiques traditionnelles sont:

-Analgesic*, muscle analgesic*, Cramp*
 - Antispasmodic*
 - Burn***
 - Healing*
 - Wound*, pruritus*, bedsore*, dermatosis (allergic, scarring, infectious)*
 - Hypertension*
 - Insomnia* (babies, children, adults)* - Varicose ulcer*

On an emotional level, it brings relaxation and appeasement, acts on hypersensitivity, stress and anxiety. Useful for problems related to sleep (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, etc.). It allows for energetic cleansing, freeing oneself from parasitic thoughts or thoughts that are no longer adequate.

Photo source:

5) Lemon Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus citriodora

This tree has the same appearance as the other members of its family (globose, radiate) and can come from several countries such as Australia, India, Brazil, etc. It is therefore part of the Myrtaceae family. However, this tree, unlike its cousins, does not contain 1.8 cineole oxides.

Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil is obtained by steam distillation and the distilled part is the leaf.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Aldehydes: Citronnellal (40 to 80%), Esters: Citronnellyl Acetate, Monoterpenols: Citronnellol (15 to 20%), Linalool and Sesquiterpenes: Beta Caryophyllene
 Its properties in traditional physical therapeutics are:

- Analgesic*
 - Anti-inflammatory*, genital* and urinary anti-inflammatory*
 - Cervico-dorsal*, epicondylar*, phalangeal* arthritis - Intercostal Neuralgia***
 - Rheumatoid arthritis*
 - Articular rheumatism*
 - Skin irritation,*, Shingles*
 - Insect bites (mosquitoes)*, Insect repellent (repels insects, vermin, cockroaches, silverfish)* 

On an emotional level, it brings pep to life, it protects on an energetic level.

Photo source:

7) Italian Helichrysum - Helichrysum italicum italicum

"Yellow gold", it is a perennial plant, of the Asteraceae family, which reaches 40 to 60 cm in height, it is composed of yellow flowers which grows mainly in the Mediterranean basin and more particularly in Corsica. The small yellow flowers are characterized by their warm and spicy smell reminiscent of curry. According to Gallica, “Its name as an immortelle does not come from its powers of immortality unfortunately but from its ability to dry and keep its shape, its flowers and its color, once dead. It thus symbolizes the constancy of the love  in the language of flowers.”

Italian Helichrysum essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowering tops.

Its active ingredients and biochemistry are composed of Ketones (15 to 20%) Diones: italidione, Esters: Neryl Acetate (8 to 39.41%), Monoterpenes, Monoterpenols: Nerol, Sesquiterpenes: Alpha and Beta Caryophyllene, Alpha Curcumene and Sesquiterpenols

Its properties in traditional physical therapeutics are:

- Anticoagulant*
 - Antispasmodic*
 - Arthritis*
 - Healing*
 - Rosacea*
 - Hematoma (external and internal, even old)**
 - The most powerful EO for Dupuytren's disease**
 - Mucolytic*
 - Para-phlebitis*, Phlebitis* - Polyarthritis*
 - Rhinitis* Sclerosis*
 - Trauma*
 - Spider veins*

- Relax the muscles

- Relieve cough

- Disinfect a wound

- Soothe anxiety or anxiety

- Promote sleep or insomnia

On an emotional level, it soothes the aches of the soul, following a shock, the loss of a loved one, the wounds of a difficult childhood. It dissolves blockages in the pelvic region following sexual abuse. it helps in cases of sentimental coldness linked to childhood experiences, calming, useful in cases of stress.

  Photo source:

Family Aroma Library Kit

After reading this article, having an aroma library at home is like the name of these little bottles,... Essential! Their therapeutic power is undeniable and their benefits global. On an emotional level, let yourself be guided by your intuition...

Essential oils are magical and powerful, it is necessary to use them with caution while respecting the golden rules so as not to put yourself in danger. I invite you to continue reading in this sense.

Golden rules for using them properly

Handle with care and storage

Essential oils are very concentrated products. It is imperative to use them with caution, to avoid side effects or accidents. Keep out of reach of children and animals.

It is imperative to wash your hands thoroughly after using essential oils

They must be stored away from light and heat.

Respect the dosages and recommendations

Essential oils should be used drop by drop. It is essential not to go beyond the recommendations. One drop is one drop, not two!

Do not replace one essential oil with another

Each essential oil is composed of specific molecules, with benefits and a particular way of using them.

For example, radiant eucalyptus essential oil does not have the same chemical composition as globular eucalyptus, on the grounds that they are myrtaceae with similar names. These are two different species of plants.

Dilute the essential oil before applying it to the skin

Before using an essential oil, it is strongly recommended to carry out a skin tolerance test in the cubital fossa (fold of the elbow). If there is tingling, redness or irritation, do not use the product.

When applying to the skin, it is necessary to dilute the essential oil in a vegetable oil or a neutral base. Because it can be irritating to the skin.

In certain specific cases, certain oils can be applied pure, in small quantities (drop by drop) and on a small surface. Carefully follow the instructions for each essential oil.

Dilute the essential oil before taking it orally

In very specific cases, oral use may be indicated; in this case, always place it on a support: sugar, honey, neutral tablet, etc.

Avoid contact with eyes and mucous

It is forbidden to put essential oil in the eyes, ears or mucous membranes. In very specific cases, it is possible to use them for the mucous membranes but diluted in a vegetable oil, rely on the doctor and/or specialist.

In the event of an accident, take appropriate and emergency actions

In case of accidental splash in the eyes, or if the bottle has spilled on the skin, wipe off the excess with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil (sweet almond, olive, sunflower, etc.). If necessary, consult a doctor.

If a quantity of essential oil is ingested, immediately contact the poison control center, for Belgium: 070 / 245. 245 (free number and accessible 24 hours a day. For France, the number varies depending on the department, SAMU : 15. EU emergency number: 112

Respect the specific precautions for certain essential oils

In addition to general recommendations, certain essential oils require greater caution. For example, citrus essences are photosensitizing, as are certain other particular ones. Exposure to the sun after application is dangerous: burning, permanent stains on the skin. Some oils are also dermocaustic, that is to say, very irritating to the skin and must therefore not be used pure but diluted in a vegetable oil.

Caution in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, people with a history of hormone-dependent cancer, people with epilepsy, asthma and allergies as well as during allopathic treatment

Essential oils are strictly prohibited during the first three months of pregnancy, in particular because they can be abortifacient, others during the entire period. Certain essential oils are prohibited for children and babies (risk of laryngeal spasm).

Certain molecules of certain essential oils are prohibited for people allergic to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

For people with a history of hormone-dependent cancer, those with “hormone-like” potential (endocrine disruptors).

During allopathic/homeopathic treatment (classic medication), it is wise to obtain medical advice before any use depending on possible side effects in the event of interactions. 

Always consult your doctor, pharmacist, aromatherapy consultant, naturopath, etc. For any questions, doubts or instructions for use.

Faced with certain illnesses, they can be additional help providing relief but in no way replace medical and specialized care.

In the case of serious illnesses, essential oils are in no way a substitute for medical treatments!

* This article is written for information purposes and comes from scientific reference literature but also on the basis of information obtained directly from the producer with whom we collaborate without an intermediary in direct contact. However, the indications transmitted by L'Atelier MARCATI in no way replace the diagnosis and/or medical prescription. Only a doctor is authorized to monitor your state of health.


BAUDOUX, D. (2008) “Aromatherapy, treating yourself with essential oils”, Ed. Amyris.

COUSIN, S. (2022) “Messages from your essential oils: Energy, spiritual and emotional support”, Ed. Jouvance

FAUCON, M. (2019) “Treatise on aromatherapy, scientific and medical, essential oils”, Ed. Sang de la Terre.

FRANCHOMME, P. (2001) “Aromatherapy exactly”, Ed. Roger Jollois.

GEA, A & BANEL, P. (2022) “Physiology and essential oils: How essential oils act on the different systems of the body”, Ed. Dunod.

MAHE, C. (2017) “Essential oils, master their powers! », Ed. Essential Plant.

MAILHEBIAU, Ph. (2011) “The New Aromatherapy: Essences and Senses”, Ed. Eugenia.

STAUB, H. & BAYER, L. (2017) “In-depth treatise Phyto-Aromatherapy”, Ed. Grancher.

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