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Hematite Bracelet & 7 Chakra Beads 8mm
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Bracelet composed of a stone of the 7 chakras and Hematite stones The Hematite
Stone is shiny black-metal color, it is known for its strength, it increases courage and resistance.

18.10 € 18.1 EUR 18.10 € Tax Included

18.10 € Tax Included

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    Bracelet composed of a Stone of the 7 chakras and Hematite
     Stones The Hematite Stone is shiny black-metallic in color, it is known for its strength, it increases courage and resistance. It also acts as protection from negativity (stress, negative environment), it brings self-confidence and improves willpower.
    On a physical level, it is interesting for problems linked to the absorption of iron (helps to form red blood cells).
    It also helps fight bulimia, smoking and all forms of excess.
    The 7 stones of the Chakra allow harmonization (clarity of mind, confidence and self-esteem, protection, management of emotions, inner peace and serenity, open-mindedness and support for the path of life. - The 1st Root Chakra (base - located at the level of the perineum)-Muladhara, this is the Red Jasper stone
     - The 2nd Sacral Chakra (located under the navel above the pubis)-Svadhisthana, this is the Carnelian stone
     - The 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra (located under the sternum)-Manipura, this is the Citrine stone
     - The 4th Chakra of the heart (located at the level of the heart)-Anahata, this is the stone of Malachite
     - The 5th Chakra of the throat (center of communication)-Vishuddha, this is the stone of Aquamarine
     - The 6th Chakra of the 3rd eye (located at the forehead, between the eyebrows)-Ajna, this is the stone of Lapis Lazuli
     - The 7th Chakra of the crown (located at the top of the skull)-Sahasrara, this is the Amethyst stone

     *The indications for lithotherapy and the use of stones for well-being do not in any way replace medical treatment. It is essential to consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and continue the indicated treatment.